About DoTasks

DoTasks is a simple task management app, a To-do list app.

This app is designed so that those using Google™ Tasks on a personal computer can operate in the same way on a smartphone.
As a unique feature, it is very convenient to make a schedule, because you can call the event creation screen of Calendar which set the title name from the task.

Features of DoTasks:

  • Task lists and tasks created with the Google™ account will be synchronized with Google™ Tasks.
  • Task lists and tasks created with the local account are saved only on your device.
  • You can manage tasks with multiple accounts.
  • You can set a reminder for the task.
  • You can set a repeat of the task.
  • You can call the event creation screen of Calendar which set the title name from the task.
  • You can change the color of the theme.